
                   RULES FOR ACCOMODATION

1. The room key will be handed over to the team during the accommodation allocation and the same must be returned to the hospitality in charges before the valedictory.
2. Girls and guys will be allocated separate rooms.
3. Good accommodation facility will be provided within the college campus which is surrounded by Chapel, Staff Quarters, and Priests Residence etc. Hence perfect silence should be maintained after 11 p.m.
4. The management does not hold itself responsible for the loss of private property of participants.
5. Participants are not permitted to meet at after 11 p.m.

        Hospitality in charges:
 Manjunath N - 9738313800
 Ranjith Kharvi - 9731085273
 Deena D’Souza - 9164258755
 Joslin P. Furtado - 9945192416


The theme for Ice Breaker event is "ALIENS". This event will be considered for overalls (It is a compulsory event)


Application Development

• Single player Quiz using Database with minimum 3 Rounds
 Round 1 : Database with Multiple choice Questions
 Round 2 : Database with Questions without Multiple choice and negative marking
 Round 3 : Database with questions for the provided Image
 Maintain top 5 high scores

• Developed Application will be evaluated based on
 Coverage
 Creativity
 Validation
 Presentation
 Documentation
 Documentation should contain SRS, Design Document (DFD, ER-Diagram, Use-case Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Activity Diagram)
 Hard copy of all the documents should be submitted during the time of registration
 Pen drive is not allowed


Paper presentation : Last date for paper submission is extended to 29th Sep 2012


Topics for Paper Presentation

1)High Performance Database Processing
2) Web Engineering
3) Cloud Computing
4) Impact of the host operating systems on virtual machine performance
5) Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
6) Network Security Systems
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